What Does A Trademark Office Action Mean?

The USPTO sends an official letter called an Office Action which identifies any legal issues related to your trademark and application. Before your trademark can be registered, you must address all of the legal problems mentioned in the Office Action.

The examining attorney may explain why the registration is being refused or what needs to be done to meet the requirements. It is necessary to respond to an Office Action within six months, or the application will be abandoned, and the fee will not be refunded.

A response to an Office Action may have significant legal consequences, and seeking advice from an attorney is recommended. Different types of Office Actions require different responses, some of which may be straightforward, while others may require complex legal arguments to preserve your federal trademark protections.

Therefore, consulting with an attorney before responding to an Office Action is crucial.

Trademark Office Action Package

$ 299
  • Know before you file. Make sure your mark is not being used.
  • *The Standard Package ($299) - trademark office action with disclaimer issue or other simple issues.
  • *The Elite Package ($399) - trademark office action with description issue or other difficult issues.
  • *The Comprehensive Package ($899) - trademark office action for complicated issues including confusingly similar trademarks or descriptiveness trademarks.

Received An Office Action? No Worries At All

More than 50% of trademark applications are subjected to Office Actions by the USPTO. While this may appear concerning, it is not necessarily a reason to abandon your application. You have the chance to address Office Actions by modifying your application or providing reasons why the examining attorney's initial denial was incorrect. We can assist you in navigating this process and demonstrate how to do so effectively.

  • Details Submission

    Fill out a quick and easy questionnaire – All information provided will be kept confidential

  • File

    Our Legal team will take charge of drafting and submitting your statement of use for your trademark on your behalf.

  • Done!

    All done! Trademark Launch will keep you informed and up to date with reminders.